Sunday, July 31, 2011

Staying Up

Staying Up
By Brandon Palzkill

It’s late, I’m up,
I’m waiting…c omitted.
Time and place
call to me
to take the prize,
the moment of glory;
something I can
brag about.

Drowsy, weary,
tv… booyah;
passing the moments;
staying awake
a little longer.

Getting later,
wondering if I’m
gonna last ‘til then.
Maybe I’ll just
close my eyes,
maybe I’ll crash
maybe I’ll
fall asleep…
maybe later.

Friday, July 29, 2011

In My Imagination

In My Imagination
By Brandon Palzkill

In my imagination,
no feat is insurmountable;
merely a challenge to be met with
youthful determination.
In my imagination,
my lofty machinations take flight,
ascending to the moon, then
going onward ‘til they reach the stars.
In my imagination,
new worlds are just beyond our door,
all eager to be explored;
traversed with curious exuberance.
In my imagination,
ordinary days bring extraordinary promise;
never-ending possibilities.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Thought Process

My Thought Process
By Brandon Palzkill

I sit around, sometimes,
losing myself in thought,
but my thoughts often
get away from me.
I think about anything;
about everything;
thoughts that take my focus
from the one thought
I’m meant to keep to.
I try to think my way back
through the mess to find
my train of thought,
to take hold of that
one important thought
in my head,
but then I over think it
and I lose myself again.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Morning Rushes to Meet Me

The Morning Rushes to Meet Me
By Brandon Palzkill

The morning welcomes me;
greets me
with the buzz of traffic;
the slamming doors
and the engine’s roars;
people on their early commute.

Furious talking soon distracts me,
the rapid chatter
of deep avian conversation;
twisted demon birds
yapping away in beastly chirps;
intense, excited;
lost in their feathery gossip.

Why do they taunt me so?
Why do they make my head throb?
They don’t see the day’s
too young;
they don’t care I’m
trying to sleep…
please shut the hell up
and leave me be.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day After Day

Day After Day
By Brandon Palzkill

I see myself standing there,
standing still, standing alone,
day after day.

On the median, in between,
watching cars zoom
back and forth,
too fast for me to cross in peace,
day after day.

Can’t go forward, can’t go backward,
can’t do anything,
but watch the passing cars go by,
day after day.

Fruitless, pointless, boring
standing in wait
to cross clear highways,
caught up; trapped;
day after day.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

One Foot In Front of the Other

One Foot In Front of the Other
By Brandon Palzkill

I feel like I’ve missed a step, somewhere;
my destination seems further
than I had remembered it;
quite far beyond the reach
of my puny legs.
Still… I’ll move on;
keep going,
while I