Thursday, October 31, 2013



They’re wrapping at the gates now;
I can hear their lost, mournful heaves
Behind the rustling veil.
Night has fallen; the warmer days
Have left us freezing,
And departed souls have returned,
Wandering; aimlessly drifting.
Yet is it loneliness or malice
That carries them on their journeys
Tonight? I dare not guess
The machinations of the dead,
But confuse them with a clever mask
Of false brotherhood,
Less they might drag me down
To wallow and wail…
A discarded spirit lost to the abyss.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013



What an enigma you are;
A circulating puzzle in my thoughts;
A voice inside my head,
Playfully screaming to remind me
That I’ll never get the answer
I quantify and rationalize you,
From here to the burning oceans
Of the sun,
Yet you remain the smoke
My fingers grasp at in vain...
An ever-elusive source of despair.
Perhaps I’ll figure you out,
Maybe bring your mysteries
Under a floodlight of elucidation
And dial down the invisible voice
From gale roar to gentle friend.

Saturday, October 5, 2013



Not the incessant repetition
Of activities, doomed
To catastrophe…
But a bedrock hope
For that, which will never,
And should never,

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sunset on the Emerald Isle

Sunset on the Emerald Isle

I sat beneath a mahogany coffee table,
Wading through seas of optimistic verse
Scratched on lcd parchment with digital ink.

Longing for a smoke break (I don’t smoke),
I propelled my prose temporarily out of my
Thoughts and let my wearily eager fingers

Flutter through my Google homepage,
Where I gawked at headlines on the virtual
Newsstands, hoping for an eye-catcher

Distraction to cleanse my mental palate,
But I found a blue, pixelated jaw-dropper
To leave a Duracell aftertaste in my mouth.

Gone, you are, like a broken universe-cog;
Tooth-cracked and discarded from the whole,
While the wheels turn resolutely onward.

Steady clock ticks reverberated throughout
The empty room as I had absorbed every
Bitter drop of unwelcome news, forcing

My disconcerted mind to wander miles away,
To the quiet cascades of leafy imagination
Guidebooks stacked upon my dusty shelves.

I remembered your earthen tomes of tempered
Scribbling that painted masterful portraits
Of the lush emerald home I’d never known.

I longed to reach out and find your words,
But your books slept lazily beyond my grasp,
Oblivious to your permanent departure,

And my only form of commiseration came
There, at the mahogany coffee table,
When I dove back into my ocean of work,

To bravely shoulder your abandoned flag;
To observe the world through your eyes
And shine your influence beyond your days.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013



Jaded cynics
Only notice
The miniscule world.

Starry-eyed dreamers
The infinite universe.