Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Two Sentence Tuesday #41

            “Have you ever seen so many dead eyes in one place?” Jason whispered, his glance wandering around the room.

            “Well,” Mick hissed, “we are in the DMV.” 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Two Sentence Tuesday #40

            “I’m not sure what’s real, anymore,” Kara moaned, desperate for something to cling to.

            A familiar kiss had unexpectedly found her beyond the veil of her lament and the voice connected to those lips whispered, “That… was real.” 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Two Sentence Tuesday #39

Nobody in the world celebrated mediocrity quite like Ethan did. He prided himself in his ability to give the barest minimum of fucks possible, any time an opportunity for greatness might happen to show its ugly face.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Two Sentence Tuesday #38

            Ava had opened her heart to the taint of dark magic and, with it, had lain waste to everything she was. Shivering, she wiped away the heaviest tears she had ever shed before leaving the wreckage of her past to smolder into ashes.