Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Getting Nowhere

Insanity, this manic key
to damning possibilities,
the storm before a calm
embrace, displacing
and defacing me.

Imagination-killing spree;
ingest an hour’s rest
before investing every
inch of me
      to best
a blank computer screen.

And lo, do I succeed?
Fuck no, but that’s the way
destruction goes, when words
forget their flow,
like old, depleted seas.

But suddenly, a spark
ignites ungodly
tides of genesis-light,
a pyre, bright, it smites
my indecisive tendencies.

I feel the turn at hand,
and if I’m any man
      of value,
I’ll be Hercules,
unleashing multitudes
in spiritual liberty.

That’s when I’ll see
the end and every row,
      I sow,
will find its flow,
insanity can go to hell
and finally leave me be.

And when I’m
bullshit-free, you’ll know
the Starry Skies, I see,
and when you close your eyes,
my undisguised
designs will set you free.