Monday, August 20, 2012

Cloud Formations

Cloud Formations

A lion in the linoleum,
Castles in the coffee table,
I let my eyes wander
And let my mind run free.
Fabricating imagery
In my mind’s sharp eye.
Something from nothing,
To pass the ticking time.  

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Don't Do It

Don’t Do It

It’s done; it’s over… he threw the game.
His play, the only one he could think of,
Was made in shivering desperation
And reeked of pungent finality.

In five days’ time, they followed their noses
And found him naked, cold, and bloated.

He ended his plot in this cosmic tale
But so hasty, was he, to close the book,
That I fear he skipped the epilogue.

For those loved, abandoned few who remained
Were human wreckage in his wake.
Left to pick up the pieces; to wonder why…

They picked apart the final years;
They told themselves it was all their fault.

They should have done it differently…
The signs were there; they should have known…
Should have reached out… Should have saved him…

He, who was all but unsavable;
So unready to stand and save himself.
Lacking courage; absent of hope…
Their efforts would have gone to waste.

He made his choice; a choice others face…
Take a breath; think it through;
Consider the world outside of yourself.

Don’t needlessly shorten your own tale
For there are no rewrites.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Her Face

Her Face

A drunk, defeated, tortured fool,
Lost in a smoky neon place,
Drank to make himself forget
The glow of her resplendent face.

He had her and so he had it all
Her warming love, his lady of grace,
But warmth was doused by bitter cold
That coolly pained her haunted face.

He brought that pain upon his love
He cheated and lied, to his disgrace
Betrayal reflected in her brown eyes
Rivers streamed down her twisted face.

He had her, he lost her; he lost himself
To whiskey’s fluid, numbing embrace
The bottle emptied, glass after glass
But at the bottom, he found her face.

Blind with drink, he stumbled onward,
Swerving from his parking space,
He turned; two lights came thundering toward him
And at the end, there shined her face.

Thursday, August 9, 2012



The daylight is falling fast away;
The tangerine sun got swallowed
By the infinite landscape
And we need to return
To our safe retreat…
Before we are
In the

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Song of the Forest

Song of the Forest

A tree clings to the hillside,
Completely surrounded…
Thoroughly alone.
Overwhelmed by the forest,
Swallowed and cast aside...
A product of the harsh world
And the relentless winds
Twisted and bent
Bruised and battered,
Yet it stands tall…

And lowly wretched vines
Mindlessly cling and grapple
To yank it to their level
And bury it in the dirt.
It fights to reach the stars,
To drink up the sun’s power…
Can’t be stopped; can’t bow down
To wind, abandonment,
Or jealous vines…
So, it stands tall.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

There's Nothing On

There’s Nothing On

Rehashed, reused, recycled…
Originality, long abandoned
A thousand flickering pages
Of uninspired leftovers
Out of options; nothing to see
Same means… same end…
Why did I ever believe
It could be any different?
I must have gone insane…