Day Twenty Nine - Write a prose poem. Not sure what a prose poem is? Visit:
in Shadow
I was always afraid of the dark. I would constantly
Croak with dread as the lights inexplicably went
(Thank you, Chad) because that’s when the monsters
Were free to consume me; monsters that forever
Lingered out of the corners of my darting eyes, and
Within the shadows of my frenzied imagination. Then
One day came and the dark was no longer the icy
Of terror that had once suffocated me with dread. I
Accepted the inevitable darkness; I welcomed it, in
Because it brought still peace and an opportunity to
Understand myself. The monsters may still be waiting
For their moment of fury, but I now know that they’re
Far more afraid of me than I am of them. After all…
I’m Batman. (Okay… I made that last bit up.)
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