Day Fourteen - Terza rima was created by Italian poet Dante in the late 13th century for his epic poem The Divine Comedy. It’s composed of “tercets woven into a rhyme scheme that requires the end-word of the second line in one tercet to supply the rhyme for the first and third lines in the following tercet.”
It’s sometimes considered too difficult to use this structure in English, but we're going to do it anyway! Today's challenge is to write a poem in terza rima.
for the Cup
Seven skilled players thundering down the field,
Toward towering hoops; the target of their aim;
Armed with ball and broomstick, refusing to yield.
Scored one brilliant goal; the next was just the
They followed with three goals, four goals, five,
and more,
Determined to know victory in this game.
Across the grass with balletic grace, they soar,
Guiding quaffles with surgically practiced hands,
Their deft aim flies true and elevates their score.
But one amongst them has the greatest demands,
For within his skill contains the match’s end,
And the crowd intently marks him from the stands.
Against his quick grasp, the Snitch could not
And so the victory Cup, they’d apprehend.
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