Monday, June 13, 2011

The Time Sink

The Time Sink
By Brandon Palzkill

Time is a leaky sink.
Second after second,
ceaselessly dripping
down into the depths,
never to be seen, again.

I loaf around the basin,
watching every drop
spiral down the drain.
I can’t stop the drip,
can’t fix the leak,
so I just stand… watching.

My life slips by,
while I wait around
and nothing ever changes;
the drops will always fall,
whether I’m there or not.

I should do something else,
but can’t look away.
I’ve fallen under the thrall
of those continuous drips,
sixty per minute,
while they count down
to the end of me.

How do you handle it?
Do  you fare any better?
Do you lose yourself
down the drain,
or go on with your life?

1 comment:

  1. Life is nothing but a time sink.

